guys are awesome! You
probably don’t realize this but by improving
my credit score, you have saved me over
$100,000.00 in interest expense in the next
18 months, which will amount to several
Million Dollars over the life of my
mortgages on my homes and my investment
properties. I have never met a TEAM of
professionals, so dedicated to help get my
personal credit score, and the credit score
of my closest friends -- to such a high
level – FAST! IntelliCREDIT is a first
class organization. The best I’ve ever seen.
Now I can go full speed ahead with my
investing, totally freed from all sorts of
baggage from my past. Hey, you know the deal
– everyone has stuff in their past that
drags them down. I had no clue that you
could get that stuff removed. Thanks for
your hard work. Thank you for educating me
on my rights through the Fair Credit
Reporting Act. You’ve made a huge difference
in my financial portfolio. It is well worth
the investment. You’ve saved us $10’s of
thousands of dollars. I have to be honest
with you – I feel so relieved. I could
literally feel the pressure and stress lift
right off my shoulders that I didn’t know I
was carrying. Hey, I’ve worked very hard
for years to be the best, in the NFL, in my
corporate work with Fortune 500 Companies,
and in my community outreach. Please feel
free to use me as a reference. I share your
amazing business with all of my Fortune 500
Company clients. I welcome anyone’s
questions which I can receive through my
web-site, www.brianholloway.com. Thanks
to IntelliCREDIT, you’ve given me back my
freedom to WIN! You’ve also given me back my
greatest treasure – more quality time to be
with my wife and my 8 children. I can’t put
a value on that! It’s PRICELESS! I feel 10
years younger! This is AWESOME! Brian
Holloway |
I just want to take this time to
thank IntelliCREDIT for the outstanding
service they have provided my clients
over the last year. IntelliCREDIT has
helped my company have a record year of
closes in a year when the typical
mortgage company struggled. Not only
has IntelliCREDIT helped my clients but
I have used IntelliCREDIT’s unique
service to help my close friends and
family get the credit scores they needed
to get the loans they were after. My
neighbor went from a 580 to a 700. I
highly recommend their service! I now
don’t have to turn away anyone due to
low credit scores. What a great feeling!
I only wish you would have called me 5
years ago. Think of all the extra closes
I’d have! Mark Stevens First
Choice Mortgage Tampa, FL.
Ms. Patricia M at IntelliCREDIT I
just wanted to take a brief moment to
express my appreciation and gratitude
for all of your help at IntelliCREDIT. I
can remember the first day that we spoke
with you, I was so skeptical about the
whole situation. I never realized how
much having good or bad credit would
reflect on my future. I can remember
when we were interested in buying a new
home and my mortgage company told us
that we needed to improve our credit
scores. That was when they recommended
“Pat” at IntelliCREDIT. I think that it
really takes someone being told “no” to
take that initial step! After the first
month of everything I still did not have
high hopes, by the second or third month
things took us by surprise! With that
all said and done, me and my husband now
own a brand new home and two new
vehicles. Most of all we want to say
thank you for being there for us through
this whole process, you were always just
a phone call away. I would recommend
your services to anyone who is serious
about their credit situation. Overall,
our results were phenomenal!!! Thank
you, Frank & Brittany B.
Creating Confidence Financial

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